Devil's Claw
Devil's Claw
Other Names: Devil’s Claw, Harpagophytum procumbens, Grapple Plant, Wood Spider, Kamangu, Teufelskralle
Origin: South Africa, Botswana, and Namibia
Fun Fact: The name Devil's Claw's name is derived as a result of the ‘hook-like’ projections that it uses to attach itself to the fur of animals. This then helps to propagate its seeds. Don’t you just love Mother Nature? The wisdom in her ways is beyond astonishing.
Uses: Skin, Tea, Supplements
Benefits of Devil's Claw:
- Fights inflammation
- Reduces arthritis pain, neck & lower back pain, headaches
- Heals boils, sores, cuts, skin lesions
How can this ingredient help my SKIN or HAIR goals?
The roots have been used for centuries by the Khoisan people of Southern Africa in ointments as a traditional way of treating boils and other skin problems. You could get an ointment that contains an extract of the herb when next you have a painful boil or sore and apply it to the spot. You can also get devil’s claw powder from your local health food or supplement store and infuse it in hot water to make tea, especially if you have itchy skin that results in painful blisters.
Where to buy Devil's Claw?
- Holland & Barrett
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